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I'm Juan David Benisaac


Welcome to my Webpage.

I'm a theoretical Physicist working on the Theory of Quantum Matter in the regimes comprising Finite Temperature and Non-equilibrium phenomena, with particular attention to probes at the nano-scale, topological excitations, statistical complexity and interrogatives related to structure and function aiming at understanding energy efficiency at the nanoscale.

If you are interested in my teaching and scientific talks, please see my YouTube Channel, and my research can be found on my Google Scholar profile.

Any suggestions and requests on new material or collaborations can be forward to


School of Physics,

Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

Research Group:

Modern Optics - Unipamplona

Theoretical Solid State Physics,

at Universidad del Valle.

Profile in the Ministry of Science (Colombia)-Minciencias:

Click Here (CVLAC).


Social media:


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Versiculo Biblico de la Semana:


Bienaventurado el varón que no anduvo en consejo de malos, Ni estuvo en camino de pecadores, Ni en silla de escarnecedores se ha sentado;

Sino que en la ley de Jehová está su delicia, Y en su ley medita de día y de noche.

Salmos 1: 1-2

Bible Verse of the Week:


Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.

Psalm 1: 1-2

What New in my Teaching?


This Fall I will be teaching undergraduate courses in the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

1. Introduction to the Theory of Mechanics

2. Multivariable Calculus

During December and January, I will invite you to join a course on:

a) Foundations of Quantum Dynamics

b) Quantum Theory of Solids and Magnetism

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