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Electromagnetic Theory for Electrical Engineering

The theory of classical electromagnetism, is the foundation for the conception of systems used in electrical engineering for the generation, transformation, transmission and consumption of energy in electrical form or otherwise. In this course, you shall acquire the necessary tools to conceive the structure of electricity, magnetism and electromagnetism withing the energy supply chain as well some other applications.


Introduction on the course on Electromagnetic Theory

The course on electromagnetic theory for electrical engineering, is heavily based on the use of the computer to determine the electric and magnetic configuration of physical systems comprising different charge and current distributions. A priority is set to be, the understanding of the structure of electricity, magnetism and electromagnetism from Maxwell's equations, and to derive the basic empirical laws as Coulomb's Law, Biot-Savart's Law and Jefimenko equations from Maxwell's equations, to then give structure to all electromagnetic theory.

The central aim of the present course is to provide the student with the abilities to conceive complex systems in electrical engineering where the interplay between charge distributions, current distributions, electric fields and magnetic fields become a fundamental aspect in the conception of systems that enable the operation of energy infrastructure, such as transmission lines, rotation electric machines, transformers, dielectric and ferromagnetic materials, among others.

Micro-curriculum / Electromagnetic Theory for Electrical Engineering.


Week 1.  Computational Origin of Electrostatic Configurations (Problem Set).

               readings: Chapter 21, University Physics with Modern Physics, Sears & Zemanski


Week 2.  Green's functions for forced-damped second order physical systems (Problem Set)

               readings: Lecture Notes delivered in class and videolectures on Differential Equations

                               by Dr. Juan David Vasquez Jaramillo.

Week 3.  The Structure of Maxwell's Equations and Helmholtz Theorem (Problem Set)

               readings: Chapter 1. Book on Electromagnetism by Juan Carlos Fernandez

Week 4.  Gauss Law for Electricity and Divergence (Problem Set)

               readings: Chapter 22, University Physics with Modern Physics, Sears & Zemanski

                               Chapter 2, Pages 1-12, Book on Electromagnetism by Juan Carlos Fernandez.

Week 5.  Conservation Laws and Electrostatic Potential Energy (Problem Set)

               readings: Chapter 23, University Physics with Modern Physics, Sears & Zemanski

Week 6.  Laplace and Poisson Equations and Solution in Green's Functions (Problem Set)

               readings: Chapter 2, Pages 19-40, Book on Electromagnetism by Juan Carlos Fernandez

Week 7.  Coulomb's Law and Biot's Savart's Law (Problem Set)

Week 8.  Ampere's Law of Electric Force and Lorentz Force (Problem Set)

Week 9.  Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum and the Problem of Radiation (Problem Set)

Week 10.  Storage of Electric/Magnetic Energy and Capacitance/Inductance (Problem Set)

Week 11.  Theory of Electric Conduction and Resistivity (Problem Set)

Week 12.  Transmission Lines: Impedance, Propagation and Models (Problem Set)

Week 13.  Electric Theory of Polarization and Dielectric Materials (Problem Set)

Week 14.  Magnetization and Magnetic Materials - Curie's Law (Problem Set)

Evaluacion del Curso


Primer Parcial 30% :         

Segundo Parcial 20% : 

Tercer Parcial 20% :


Examen Final 30% :     



Bibliografia del Curso


Libro de Texto Guia del Curso:                               1. Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd Edition, Roald K. Wangness.

Libros de Texto Guia Para

Funciones de Green:                                               2. Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition, John David Jackson (Capitulos 1, 2 y 3)

                                                                                    3. Classical Electrodynamics, Julian Schwinger ( (Apitulos 12, 15, 31)

                                                                                    4. Classical Electrodynamics, (1998), Walter Greiner (Capitulo 2)

Libros de Texto Auxiliares:                                     5. Applications of Green's Functions in Science and Engineering,

                                                                                    6. Michael D. Greenberg, Dover Publications, 2015.

                                                                                    7. Classical Theory of Fields, Lev Landau y Lifschitz, Fourth Edition.

                                                                                    8. Classical Electromagnetic Theory, Jack Vanderlinde, 2005.

                                                                                    9. Electromagnetismo, Juan Carlos Fernandez, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

                                                                                    10. Introduction to Classical Electrodynamics, David Griffiths, 4th Edition.

Articulos Cientificos

de Referencia:                                                          11. Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Theory, James Clerk Maxwell.

                                                                                    12. Electrodynamical Potentials in Quantum Theory,

                                                                                          Yakir Aharonov and D. Bohm.

                                                                                    13. On Faraday's Lines of Force, James Clerk Maxwell.

                                                                                    14. Problemes de la Theorie Electronique Du Magnetisme,

                                                                                           Johanna Hendrika Van Leeuwen,

                                                                                          Le Jorunal De Physique et Le Radium, 1921.

                                                                                    15. Memoire Sur La Theorie Mathemathique Des Phenomenes

                                                                                    16. Electrodynamiques Uniquement Deduite De L´experience,

                                                                                           Andre Marie Ampere.

                                                                                    17. Application of the Mathematical Analysis to the Theories of

                                                                                          Electricity and Magnetism, George Green.

                                                                                    18. On the Transfer of Energy in the Electromagnetic Field,

                                                                                           John Henry Poyinting.





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